Structural equation modelling and causal inference: an online course
ERRATA for Shipley, B. 2016. Cause and correlation in biology: A user’s guide to path analysis, structural equations and causal inference with R. Cambridge University Press.
Changes are shown in red.
Page 24, Box 2.1 should read:
Given a causal graph G, if X and Y are two different vertices in G, and W is a set of vertices in G that does not contain either X or Y, then X and Y are not d-separated given W in G if and only if there exists at least one undirected path U between X and Y such that (a) every collider is either in W or else has a descendant in W and (b) no other vertex on U is in W.
Page 24. There is a step missing at the bottom of the page. This missing step is:
(4) If every undirected path between X and Y is blocked, then X is d-separated from Y given W.
Page 25, Figure 2.6 is wrong as presented. The correct Figure 2.6 is:
Page 26, third line, second column in Table 2.1, should read:
Since S1 is a causal descendant of U, conditioning on S1 activates U along path XàUßV
Page 168. The lines describing how to calculate the variance and 95% confidence intervals for the Monte Carlo estimates of the true probability for the maximum likelihood chi-squared distribution should read:
… around p by referring to a normal distribution whose confidence interval (Manly 1997) around p by referring to a normal distribution whose mean is (x-Np) and whose variance is Np(1-p). Thus, the 95 per cent confidence interval is
Page 198: The syntax to name groups should be: group: NAME. So, for instance, the code at the bottom of this page should be:
Group: Male
group: Female
y~a*x + c*z
Similar corrections should be made in the code given on pages 213-214.